Letter from the Chair of the Compensation Committee
Dear Shareholders
Swisscom is on track and achieved solid financial results in the 2024 reporting year. And it has achieved this in a time that continues to be shaped by uncertainty, geopolitical tensions, global economic challenges and technological and environmental change. With a relatively slight increase in revenue and slightly lower operating income, net income decreased. Fastweb, which is performing very well, represents an important contribution to our success. We are now further strengthening our position in Italy. The acquisition of Vodafone Italia is an important step for us and sets the course for future success.
Innovation and trust are the keywords for Swisscom’s success. For example, during the year under review we launched an AI platform for business customers with Swiss AI Platform. Our customers can use it to develop their own KI solutions with guaranteed data storage in Switzerland. Another focus of innovation is the topic of digital trust. This includes Swisscom Sign, the only qualified electronic signature considered equivalent to a handwritten signature. In spring 2024, Swisscom expanded this range of services to companies so that they can electronically sign contracts and documents simply and with legal effect. Its outstanding infrastructure is and remains the foundation of Swisscom’s success. We do everything we can to continue to offer our customers the best network. We succeeded in doing this in the year under review: Swisscom has once again won all the network and service tests.
In the year under review, the Compensation Committee took note of the results of the advisory vote on the 2023 Remuneration Report and thoroughly addressed the concerns raised by shareholders on disclosure of the achievement of targets and the lack of long-term incentive components in the remuneration system. We have increased transparency on the assessment of the achievement of targets in this Remuneration Report. This will provide you as shareholders with more detailed information to assess the appropriateness of the remuneration in relation to performance.
The Compensation Committee reviewed the Group Executive Board’s remuneration system and evaluated ways in which it can configured in line with market standards and geared more strongly towards long-term performance and value generation for shareholders through a long-term incentive. Although the market relevance of a long-term incentive component has been clearly confirmed, the current remuneration system framework does not offer the flexibility to introduce such a component. However, the long-term component in the remuneration is supported by the stipulated minimum shareholding requirement. As such, the Compensation Committee proposed to the Board of Directors that the existing remuneration model be retained for 2025. In addition to financial performance, which is a key determinant of overall target achievement, this model also takes performance on issues related to business transformation into account. The variable performance-related salary component for members of the Group Executive Board will continue to be paid out in cash and blocked shares. This approach gears remuneration of the Group Executive Board towards strategy implementation and makes it possible to reward performance both appropriately and sustainably while taking into account Swisscom’s responsibility to help promote society’s positive development and to protect the environment.
Swisscom performed successfully in the year under review. Not only did it achieve a good financial result, it also achieved outstanding performance in business transformation, which the Board of Directors evaluated in its overall assessment. This results in overall target achievement of 117% for the members of the Executive Committee. Overall, the total remuneration for the members of the Board of Directors and the Group Executive Board for the 2024 reporting year is within the range approved by the 2023 Annual General Meeting.
Like every year, you, dear shareholders, will have an opportunity at the 2025 Annual General Meeting to cast your vote on Swisscom’s remuneration principles and the remuneration system as part of the consultative vote on the Remuneration Report. In addition, you will vote on the maximum total remuneration paid to the Board of Directors and the Group Executive Board for the 2026 financial year. In the course of the successful acquisition of Vodafone Italia, the Swisscom Board of Directors will temporarily expand to 10 members from the 2025 Annual General Meeting onward. Laura Cioli, an established expert in the Italian telecommunications and services market, is nominated for election. A motion will therefore be proposed to the Annual General Meeting that the maximum remuneration already approved for the Board of Directors be increased by CHF 0.2 million to CHF 2.7 million for 2025. The maximum amount of CHF 2.8 million is proposed for 2026.
For the remuneration of the Group Executive Board, a reduction in the maximum amount already approved for the year 2025 of CHF 3.7 million to CHF 7.2 million, due to the reduction to four members as of 1 April 2025, will be submitted for approval. A maximum amount of CHF 5.9 million is proposed for the year 2026. To meet our responsibilities, the Compensation Committee will conduct reviews of the remuneration strategy and system again in the coming year to ensure that Swisscom’s principles are aligned with the interests of shareholders and other stakeholders and that performance is rewarded both appropriately and sustainably. We look forward to your support and thank you for your trust.
Kind regards,

Monique Bourquin, Chair of the Compensation Committee