Stakeholders’ letter

Dear Readers,
‘Which corporations come to mind when you think of a sustainable company?’ This is what 5,555 Swiss people were asked in a survey conducted by the University of St.Gallen. They voted Swisscom into the top 3 – a strong show of confidence.
2023 saw even more top rankings. World Finance magazine named us the world’s most sustainable telecommunications service provider for the third time in a row. Swisscom also made it to the top of the podium at the Ethos Foundation, which rates Swiss companies according to their ‘digital responsibility’. Although such rankings are pleasing, we can’t let them conceal the fact that the global challenges Swisscom wants to play its part in overcoming are huge and will keep us busy for a long time to come.
Climate protection and the circular economy – also in our supply chains
One of the most important issues is and remains climate protection. In the year under review, we as a Group set ourselves an ambitious net-zero target by 2035 in accordance with the SBTi. Since 1990, we have reduced our direct CO2 emissions in the Swiss business by over 88%. In the year under review, we took various measures to reduce our total emissions by 1.6% compared to the previous year. For example, we expanded photovoltaics and produced 3,49 GWh of energy in 2023 thanks to 114 new solar installations.
After delivery bottlenecks in the previous year, the foundation has been laid to get e-car procurement back on track. In addition, we now include net-zero expectations of our suppliers in tenders and have launched joint CO2 reduction programmes with our largest suppliers. We are also making consistent progress with our own products: our latest TV-Box is made of 65% recycled plastic, is 35% more energy-efficient than its predecessor and comes with 100% plastic-free packaging.
Data-based sustainability
We enable our customers to live and work sustainably, and are convinced that the digital transformation facilitates sustainability. Using carbon management solutions, we support companies in automatically recording and evaluating their emissions. We are also continuing to invest in innovative start-up companies that have a sustainable focus through the Swisscom StartUp Challenge, and established the ‘Deep Tech Nation’ foundation in the year under review with the aim of helping promising start-ups achieve a long-term breakthrough.
The digital transformation encompasses all areas of life
The fact that the digital transformation is ubiquitous in all areas of life poses challenges to and overwhelms parts of our society. Swisscom has therefore set itself the goal of preparing the Swiss population for a life that requires media skills. The response has been great. For example, our Swisscom Campus course platform recorded over 200,000 visitors in the year under review. Parents’ guides on topics such as ‘My first mobile phone’ were particularly popular, as were teaching units for children, for example on the environmental and social aspects of a smartphone’s value chain.
New challenges
We achieved a lot of what we set out to do in 2023. However, we also face new challenges, such as the question of how to use data and new artificial-intelligence applications transparently and consistently for the benefit of our customers and society. We are guided in this regard by our moral compass, which also guides us in all other matters. As ‘Innovators of Trust’, our mission is to achieve a positive impact for society. You, as our stakeholders, trust that we will take particular advantage of the opportunities presented by the digital transformation. We do our best every day to earn this trust.
Kind regards,

Stefan Nünlist
Head of Group Communications & Responsibility

Saskia Günther
Head of Sustainability