Basic service provision
We are responsible for providing basic telecoms services in Switzerland, and have been mandated to do so in accordance with the current universal service licence. We ensure comprehensive network coverage for the population with network access and a basic range of services. The coverage of a mobile network primarily includes voice telephony and broadband internet access.
Thanks to the competition, we have outstanding telecommunications services in Switzerland. Where certain services are missing from a region for technical or commercial reasons, the basic service provision guarantees all households and businesses a reliable and affordable minimum telephony and internet offering. The basic service provision therefore comes into play wherever the market does not provide high broadband coverage. Here, Swisscom offers households fixed-line access and internet access with a free router on request.
Since 1 January 2024, in addition to the previous offer of 10 Mbit/s download and 1 Mbit/s upload speeds, subscriptions with 80 Mbit/s download and 8 Mbit/s upload speeds are available as part of the basic service provision, in the only offer of its kind in the world. This increase in minimum bandwidth in the basic service provision is technology-neutral and in line with the political will for high-performance networks that are as affordable and available as possible.
As part of basic service provision, we maintain special services for people with a disability.
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