Material issues
Swisscom’s activities have an impact on our social, ecological and economic environment. At the same time, our company is shaped by this environment and our stakeholders. Every year, we identify the sustainability issues in this network of relationships that are considered relevant or very relevant for our stakeholders and for us. We involve the interest groups in this process. This approach ensures that the strategic focus of our work for us, our stakeholders and our environment is consistent and in line with current developments. For each major topic, we prepare a management approach, which we include in the relevant chapter of this report.
Materiality for stakeholders
Materiality for Swisscom
- Work stress and resilience
- Climate protection (incl. renewable energies)
- Circular economy
- Mobile telephony and society
- Youth media protection and media skills
- Fair supply chain
- Diversity and equal opportunities
- Data protection and data security
- Energy efficiency
- Labour market skills and training
- Accessibility
- Climate risks (Swisscom Climate Report 2022)
- Sustainable cities and communities
- Governance & reporting
- Contribution to the economy
- Network expansion
- Network dismantling
- Corporate ethics
- Employer attractiveness
very relevant