Swisscom brands
The Swisscom brand is managed strategically as an intangible asset and an important element of the Group’s reputation management. It provides optimum support for Swisscom’s business activities, gives guidance to customers and partners, and also acts to attract and motivate current and potential staff.
The Swisscom brand is implemented across all units in a consistent and high-quality manner. At the same time, it has to be extremely flexible, bridging the gap between known and new concepts and likewise standing for network and infrastructure, best experiences and entertainment, as well as ICT and digitisation.
Core business products and services are offered under the Swisscom brand, as well as under the secondary brand Wingo and the third-party brands Coop Mobile and M-Budget. Its portfolio also includes other brands which are associated with other themes and business areas. Swisscom operates the Teleclub, Kitag and Cinetrade brands, which help to position the Group in the entertainment field. Outside Switzerland, Swisscom’s main market is Italy, where it operates under the Fastweb brand. The strategic management and development of the entire brand portfolio is an integral part of corporate communications.

Society, technology and the environment are changing ever more rapidly. A brand must absorb these changes while offering direction and stability. Swisscom expects its employees to demonstrate trustworthiness, commitment and curiosity in everything they do. Based on these foundations, Swisscom presents itself as a reliable provider, builds on its position as market leader and opens up new business areas. Swisscom gives its customers the opportunity to take advantage of the networked future easily.
The year under review was shaped by the strategic decisions taken in the previous year. The more flexible corporate design, which is increasingly geared to digital applications and is intended to spotlight customers and their options even more, has been extended to a wide range of touchpoints. The Swisscom promise and design are visible and tangible in all of Swisscom’s offerings, products and communication measures.
Trustworthiness and service remain important factors in confirming to existing customers that they made the right decision in opting for Swisscom and in winning new customers, while also helping to underscore the importance of Swisscom for Switzerland: Swisscom is part of a modern Switzerland, is always recognisable as a Swiss company and positions itself clearly and credibly through its stance on responsibility. All this rounds off the positive image of the Swisscom brand and enriches the Group’s multi-faceted customer relationships. This is one reason why the reputation values achieved by Swisscom are exceptionally high for a company in the telecommunications sector by global standards.
External rankings also confirm this image. In the “Switzerland 50” survey carried out by Brand Finance, Swisscom ranks in eighth place. This makes it one of the most valuable brands in Switzerland, worth around CHF 6 billion according to Brand Finance.