1 Principles
In performing their activities, the Board of Directors and Group Executive Board of Swisscom are guided by the objective of long-term and sustainable business management. They incorporate the legitimate interests of Swisscom shareholders, customers, employees and other interest groups into their decisions. To this end, the Board of Directors practises effective, transparent corporate governance, which is characterised by clearly assigned responsibilities and based on recognised standards. In this regard, Swisscom complies with the recommendations of the Swiss Code of Best Practice for Corporate Governance 2014 issued by economiesuisse, the umbrella organisation representing Swiss business, and the requirements of the Ordinance against Excessive Compensation in Listed Stock Companies (OaEC).
The interaction of investors, proxy advisors and other stakeholder groups with the respective specialist divisions allows the Board of Directors to identify trends at an early stage and to adjust its corporate governance to new requirements as and when necessary.
Swisscom’s principles and rules on corporate governance are set out primarily in the company’s Articles of Incorporation, Organisational Rules and the Rules of Procedure of the Board of Directors’ committees. Of particular importance is the Code of Conduct approved by the Board of Directors. It contains an explicit declaration by Swisscom of its commitment to absolute integrity as well as compliance with the law and all other external and internal rules and regulations. Swisscom expects its employees to take responsibility for their actions, show consideration for people, society and the environment, comply with applicable rules, demonstrate integrity and report any violations of the Code of Conduct.
The latest versions of these documents as well as their earlier, unamended and superseded versions can be viewed online on the Swisscom website under “Basic principles”.
See www.swisscom.ch/basicprinciples