Swisscom share
Swisscom’s market capitalisation as at 31 December 2021 amounted to CHF 26.7 billion (previous year: CHF 24.7 billion). The number of shares issued remained the same at 51.8 million. Par value per registered share is CHF 1. Each share entitles the holder to one vote. Voting rights can only be exercised if the shareholder is entered in the share register of Swisscom Ltd with voting rights. The Board of Directors may refuse to enter a shareholder with voting rights if such voting rights exceed 5% of the company’s share capital.

The Swiss Market Index (SMI) rose by 20.3% compared with the previous year. The Swisscom share price increased by 7.9% to CHF 514.60, lagging somewhat behind the performance of the Stoxx Europe 600 Telecommunications Index (+11.5% in EUR). The average daily trading volume decreased by 34% year on year to 118,509 shares. The total trading volume of Swisscom shares in 2021 was CHF 30.1 billion.